I think we all have or SHOULD have a couple girlfriends like Chanel, Jack and/or Vannie. The way that they would come together to celebrate the most important milestone of each other was a nice touch. I laughed so hard when Vannie (aka Bannie) pulled out her gift from Jack. It took me back to a "special delivery" I received once. Anywho, out of the 3 fellas... hands down I am rooting for Shadow. Yeah, he lacks in a VERY VERY important department. Yet, he is about pampering and he sees her worth. I guess we can not have it all. Although, he may have competition. And I am not speaking on the starter or the "long lost" that let his true self come to light.
Marking off # 36... the Bonus Never, the cruise was everything. The reading literally brought a smile to my face. Chanel was pleased... I am sure. That said, this read was great. Add it to your collection by clicking on the cover. I'm here thinking, what awaits in this authors next book, The Marriage List. P.S. To the author, Jack's Monday is my Thursday... lol.